We’re thrilled that you’re considering volunteering with the Carleton Computer Science Society! The best way to get involved and stay up to date is to join our volunteer mailing list.
Additionally, our team works out of a Discord workspace that all students are welcome to join upon asking via info@ccss.carleton.ca or asking any member of our leadership team. By joining our workspace, you gain access to our meeting schedule, can provide feedback on any in progress work, and stay up to date with all our upcoming initatives.
We understand that university life can be hectic, so we’ve tailored our volunteer program to offer flexibility. Whether you prefer to contribute at your own pace, help out during events, or take on a leadership role, we have something for everyone.
We are currently looking for the following roles for the Fall 2024 semester.
We are currently looking for two (2) First Year Representatives! To nominate yourself as First Year Representative, please complete the Fall 2024 Nomination Form.
We are currently looking for two (2) coordinator roles:
To apply to be a coordinator, please complete the Fall 2024 Application Form.
For those who want to contribute without a firm commitment, these opportunities are perfect.
Provide creative input and suggestions inside our Discord workspace to those creating graphics, posters, and other visual materials.
Share your feedback and suggestions on logistics proposals in our Discord workspace to help us organize successful events and services.
Contribute answers to frequently asked questions to our website. Stay tuned for more details on how you can get involved!
Contribute to the Computer Science Question Repository, a project that helps students practice previous midterm and exam questions from Carleton computer science courses. It’s a great way to make your first open-source contribution! Check out the contributing guide to get started.
For the following roles, we will reach out to our volunteer mailing list and Discord Workspace as needed. These roles require volunteers to commit to attending a specific time and location.
Help ensure the success of our events by assisting with setup, cleanup, event registration, and any other tasks that may arise. We commonly need volunteers for large events like hackathons, our End Of Year BBQ, and more.
Capture the energy and excitement of our events by taking photos that will be shared on our social media channels and website. Photographer volunteers preferably should own their own camera.
We often run tech talk and workshop events, if you enjoy presenting and would like to be contacted when we are looking for presenters, add this option when joining our mailling list.
For the following roles, you can submit a proposal and contribute in a way that fits your interests. All proposal-based initatives must be overseen by atleast one leadership team member.
Do you have an idea for a new event? Whether it’s a social gathering, a study group, or something entirely different, weβd love to hear your suggestions. Reach out to us at info@ccss.carleton.ca with your event ideas!
*A dedicated event proposal form with requirements and a template will be made available in the future.
Interested in writing an article or creating a resource to help fellow students? Whether itβs a tutorial, a career guide, or an opinion piece, we welcome submissions that offer value to the community. Send your article or resource ideas to info@ccss.carleton.ca.
*A dedicated article proposal form with requirements and a template will be made available in the future.
Weβre always excited to feature student speakers! We also welcome past TAs and anyone interested in hosting or presenting study sessions. If you’re interested in giving a presentation, reach out to us at info@ccss.carleton.ca.
*A dedicated talk / workshop proposal form with requirements and a template will be made available in the future.
These roles involve commiting to helping weekly or biweekly for likely 1-2 hours.
Keep our office open and accessible, manage the POS system, and maintain a clean, welcoming atmosphere in the lounge.
These positions require a commitment of a full semester. Coordinator positions change depending on the needs determined by the leadership team.
Oversee the operation of the CCSS lounge, ensuring it’s a welcoming space for all students, that our office schedule is maintained, and that our lounge services are running smoothly.
Coordinate with our leadership team to delegate tasks to volunteers, document common procedures, and serve as a point of contact for volunteers seeking to get involved.
Handle the design and distribution of merchandise including clothing, stickers, pins, and anything else you feel would interest the student body.
For those who those interested in being involved for the entire year and are interesting in molding the direction of the organization, these roles are perfect for you.
Join the Board of Directors and help steer the direction of the CCSS. You’ll play a key role in decision-making, event planning, and representing the society to the broader community. These positions are elected annually in the winter academic term.
Represent the interests of first-year students on the CCSS Board of Directors. We elect two (2) first year representatives each September.