
If you’ve taken COMP 2804 in the previous few years, then you’re most likely familliar with the website “”. was built and maintained by CCSS executives and volunteers over the years and we’re excited to welcome you to the latest version of the site.

The Carleton Computer Science Question Repository is an upgraded version of built with the idea of eventually supporting more than just COMP 2804 and designed to improve the experience of contributing to the site.

All content for the site is now statically stored within the project’s repository and the website is redeployed automatically as soon as any contributor merges to master.

New Features

In addition to an improved UI, the website also now features:

  • Written solutions for most previous COMP 2804 questions
  • Question tags indicating which chapter and section a question is from
  • The ability to practice questions with a specific tag


The website is also a great opportunity for students to get involved and possibly make their first open source contribution.

Be sure to checkout our “contributing” section on the project README to learn more about how you can get involved.

Some ways students can contribute are:

  • Adding new solutions or improving the formatting of existing solutions
  • Adding missing question tags
  • Adding “generator” scripts to help create new variants of existing questions for students to practice


We hope you’re as excited about the new website as we are! If you have any feedback, feel free to direct it to or reach out to us on the CCSS Discord.