For this workshop, we say good bye to the web browser and hello to our computer, literally. Ruby is one of the many languages your computer understands and that you can use to speak to it, but is known for being more elegant and natural compared to other programming languages. Ruby doesn’t use semi-colons, preventing those annoying errors that seem to happen for no reason, and often requires fewer lines of code to accomplish the same things as other languages.
In this workshop, you will learn about programming fundamentals as well as how to analyze data from Canada’s new Open Government portal! Join us to learn how to speak to your computer and tell it to do things for you.
To find out more, check out the website! https://mailchi.mp/ladieslearningcode/test-1743149?e=104242d394&fbclid=IwAR1BRwZcz9go8Ix289O1LEDZNLZ54RMAhopc4okWK1FS8LKgAR7OwM8DdLo