Discord Code of Conduct

  • Our server follows the Discord Terms of Service and Guidelines. No illegal content is allowed. In addition, our rules are an extension of the CCSS Code of Conduct.

  • Treat everyone with respect. Absolutely no harassment, sexism, racism, homophobia, ableism, bigotry, or hate speech/derogatory language will be tolerated.

  • No NSFW, vulgar, or profane content. This includes text, media, profile pictures, and usernames featuring profanity, lewd imagery, violence, or other disturbing content, as well as flashy, loud or unsettling content posted with a spoiler tag.

  • Refrain from broaching sensitive subjects and avoid all controversial topics (including, but not limited to, political and religious views). Moderators have the right to determine what conversations are appropriate. Ping or direct message moderators to mediate topics causing discomfort.

  • Do not spam messages or ping roles unless you have a good reason. Promote opportunities you think would interest CS students in the bulletin-board channel, and feel free to ping the ulletin Board role.

  • Sharing code or solutions related to course evaluations is strictly prohibited. Violators of this rule will be reported to Carleton University for plagiarism.

  • Respect the moderators. They’re here to keep things welcoming and civil. You must comply with their requests in a timely fashion. If you have concerns about a moderator, please contact the CCSS President.

Strikes and Examples of Their Consequences

Strike 1: Warning, messages deleted, and/or mic mute.

Strike 2: Warning, 24h server mute (text & mic), and/or kicked from event.

Strike 3: Indefinite server mute (text & mic), ban without warning.

  • A moderator reserves the right to apply more severe consequences regardless of the number of offences.

  • A moderator reserves the right to delete any kind of message at any time. In addition, a bot is also handling automatic message deletion. Contact a moderator if you think your message was wrongfully removed for this reason.

  • If you do not respond to a moderator’s requests in a timely manner (i.e. 24 hours), this will likely result in an automatic ban regardless of the rule. If you missed their message, you can reach out through DMs to reverse the decision.

  • Disrespecting a moderator reaching out to you may result in an additional strike, or even a ban.

  • You can direct messahe the CCSS President to appeal a ban/mute/strike.