
5. Rainbow CSV by mechatroner

Rainbow CSV is a column highlighter to help people read CSV and TSV files. In addition, it provides information about a column on hover. With CSVLint, there is an automatic consistency check for CSV files. With the RBQL console, users can view the data in a colourful table format and run queries in an SQL-like language. From my experiences, Rainbow CSV helps me read and edit CSV files. I like the colour-coded columns to help organize the CSV data.

In addition, Rainbow CSV is available on the Atom text editor.

4. Settings Sync by Shan Khan

Settings Sync is an extension to synchronize your VSCode settings and extensions into a GitHub Gist. This tool can help users save time by having a place to export their settings without manually configuring their settings.

3. Discord Presences

Have you ever wondered how users managed to get the VSCode Discord presence? Fear not, there is an extension to achieve this result. The Discord presence shows what file a user is editing using the Discord rich presence and how long they are editing the file. It detects what build of VSCode you are using. This presence can be helpful with developer teams. Developers understand where users are editing and debugging the code. Sometimes, I use it to show the name of the file I am working on.

2. Live Share by Microsoft

Live Share enables developers to communicate and collaborate with their code. There are voice chat and text editing together to allow collaboration. This can be very helpful to communicate with others without the need to configure the same development tools, settings, or environment. In addition, with two people working on the same code, collaborating with others can help deal with issues and improve code. You are welcome to use this for group projects and hackathons, but do NOT use this to violate academic integrity.

1. GitLens by Eric Amodio

GitLens is an open-source extension that helps enhance code understanding. It helps users with revision control and details. In other words, GitLens provides Git integration to help perform revision controls on code through a user interface. People can view branches, file history, tags, repositories, and commits.

Bonus Extensions:

Bailey D’Amour gave us some of his favourite VSCode extensions as well!

  • MikuTap by kiddyu
  • Code Spell Checker by Street Side Software
  • PlantUML by jebbs

So there you have it. These are the top 5 amazing VSCode extensions and a few bonus ones to improve your productivity and complete projects with others. They can help simplify programming projects and facilitate collaboration and communication. What do you think about these extensions? Are there any other VSCode sections you know? Feel free to let us know in the comments!