The logo of the Carleton Computer Science Society
A picture of the CCSS board member Veronica Mordvinova

Hi there!

Hello everyone! I'm Veronica and I am in the software engineering stream with a minor in math and business. If you have any concerns that you would like to bring forward, or would just like to chat, feel free to reach out anytime!

Veronica Mordvinova
A picture of the CCSS board member John Lu

Hi there!

Blurb: Hi, I'm John. I'll be your Director of Operations for this year. Let me know if you have any concerns!

John Lu
Director of Operations
A picture of the CCSS board member Ryan Chung

Hi there!

Hey! I'm Ryan and I'm currently a third year in the Software Engineering stream. In the past I was a First Year Rep, and this year I am the Director of Finance (for the second year in a row)! Feel free to message me for anything!

Ryan Chung
Director of Finance
A picture of the CCSS board member Richard Kim

Hi there!

Hey, I'm Richard, I was your VP last year, and will be your Director of Industry Initiatives this year! I'm in my fourth year in the Honours program, minoring in Biology and Greek and Roman Studies. I took them to get better at writing essays but I ended up liking it. Feel free to HMU to ask questions or chat!

Richard Kim
Director of Industry Initiatives
A picture of the CCSS board member Kelly Huang

Hi there!

Hey! I’m Kelly and I’m a third year with a minor in psychology. Feel free to reach out to me if you ever have any event ideas or need good restaurant suggestions in Ottawa!

Kelly Huang
Director of Social
A picture of the CCSS board member Rebecca Kempe

Hi there!

Hi! I'm Rebecca and I'm a fourth year student (sort of). I transferred to Carleton from another university and program, so if you're in the same boat and ever want to talk, my DMs are open! Please let me know if there are any resources you'd like to see.

Rebecca Kempe
Director of Publications
A picture of the CCSS board member Benjamin Yu

Hi there!

Hey everyone! My name is Ben Yu and I'm currently a 3rd year student. I'll be your Director of Academics this year, and I can't wait for you guys to see what we have planned. I enjoy playing and listening to all sorts of music in my spare time. Feel free to reach out anytime!

Benjamin Yu
Director of Academics
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